The clue to any good economy? Mutually beneficial aid. If we work to grow biodiversity & thus help constrain the amount of viruses nature unleashes upon us, it helps all of us survive: as there is nowhere to run. At best Jeff Bezos can save some of us in space-station-like environments, floating around Earth, if he makes it on time? Any more chance in going with Elon Musk to Mars? Yet, none of those will be on time, in terms of Earths climate change. Though both entrepreneur’s projects are valid & smart (if not particularily fair) ways of preserving and forwarding human consciousness, most of us will still need to cherish our home on Earth here. So, the underlying exchange mechanism is simple: even billionaires can’t escape deadly viruses. We have to work on this together, like it or not; We are all in the same boat now. We just have to be careful the super rich shelter in cleverly designed smart cities, leaving the rest of the human population to suffer. Yet, even such a scenario has mayor flaws and limitations…
Just consider this. If universal healthcare ever happens, it will be by the grace of solid egocentrism, if not totally egoistic self-preservation. Simply put, because we cannot outsmart nature. We are part of nature. Mushrooms went on land, eating into the rocks and pulling out minerals. Seaweed wanted to come on land too. So, mushrooms and seaweed made a pact to exchange food, minerals for sugar & so on. Seaweed evolved into trees & mushrooms went mostly underground. Once organisms were capable of regulating body temperature, we got first animals airborne and roaming our planets surface. So, from that perspective we are fully embedded in nature. Our wings are rooted in ancient pacts. Flying to Mars is not fundamentally going to change that.
We have to plant trees massively, and this will take loads of manual (and robotic) labour. We have to do it in ways that are clever: combining re-wilding, with more structured projects, where we help nature a hand. Monoculture is not an option. Forget about it. It is bad for the soil & in the long run it doesn’t keep enough CO2 out of the air, nor does it improve biodiversity. We cannot have hungry people plant trees & then refuse people access to water. Going green has real consequences & we have to be thinking a few steps ahead, if we want to avoid getting totally burnt by the sun. And again, we have a window of 10-15 years, more or less to get the job done. Especially, if we wish to avoid total chaos. Migration being only one real consequence of global heating.
Machines, drones and robots can help us do the heavy lifting, but the planting of fruit bearing trees, as well as the care taking of plants and trees, are refined jobs. For now, these jobs are best done by humans, and preferably locally. Especially, in terms of coordination. And We The People should feel pride participating. The only thing we must do, is assist other people to help them with knowledge, material, funding, food, expertise, water, solar, wind turbines, seeds, nurseries, or whatever they need in their local circumstance: so they can plant fruit bearing trees & bring about profitable agroforestry. We can realise this through the aid of technologies as Non-Fungible tokens & their respective digital marketplaces.
What we are about to do with is to start up partnerships with plenty of people of all walks of life, from artists to tree specialists, from crypto crowd to all kinds of organisations. Some people may come to this site, and (for now) wonder what it is all about. Well, we are organically building on strong fundamentals. Once our reach extends to a much broader public, we will have been building years behind the scenes. However, to be able to build what we envisioned to build: a universal (d)application functioning globally, enabling every human being to own a treewallet, we have had to wait for some technological advancements. Space X’s satellites now (in 2024) have made internet available almost globally, anywhere, any time. Generative AI has come to considerable fruition... Blockchain and web3 tech have become far more interoperable, accessible and more user-friendly. Beyond these technological progressions, we also have had to wait for human consciousness to globally wake up to the reality that climate change is real.
To discard our proposition (of fruit bearing Trees-as-a-Service) as merely some daft illusion, would be a tremendous mistake on the part of the reader. At this point in history, the urgency is so overwhelming we will push this through, one way or another. Our planet is on fire. Earth is our home. And like it or not, any virus that hits us, will most likely travel with us into space. There is simply no escape route. No smart city or space hotel will solve this. Some delusional billionaire may care to think so, or some idealistic politicians. But being hyper-realistic? The current global situation forces us to unite around this goal. Ask any permaculture specialist. Ask any soil specialist. Ask any clear thinking person. And they will all tell you; We won’t cut it with monoculture, robots or drones alone. We have to cherish biodiversity.
So there are some important pathways to get to our objectives and help us survive:
Nope it is not some billionaires on rafts on the ocean. Not going to cut it.
In case of total disaster and anarchy, the ones that will survive: are probably the poorest, because they will have resistance to bacteria and viruses.
So, mutually beneficial aid is the name of the game. In a coordinated way.
And we have a technology (blockchain/crypto/NFTs) which clearly helps us to build trust. It enables us to do transactions with complete strangers, without third parties, and thus make our envisioned cooperation feasible.
The satellites help to bring the tech to everyone who feels like joining in.
Even with the simplest of phones, we can set up banking. To some, banking may sound ugly, but in reality, think of this: If you were to live in a f***ed up country, and your government doesn’t even grant you an identity? Suddenly, you can get a phone and through simple sms’es lend some money; And it allows you to go buy some goods on the early morning market, and then re-sell these on the local market for a small profit. And that helps you feed your children?
What would you do? Complain about how the satellites disturb your sight at night? If it also helps to establish your identity? Or, to build yourself a tustworthy reputation? You would be grateful for such opportunities, and so would all of us…
So, we have basic building blocks: Trust. Identity. Banking. Reputation.
If we want Treespaces to be a greater wildfire than traditional wildfires, these building blocks & especially (decentralized) tools, such as decentralized finance, communication & production will bring us a long way.
If we can connect real value to NFTs (and believe us, we will go as far as back it up by sustainable real estate, regenerative land, or for instnace, minerals…We will ensure that the blockchains, cryptocurrencies and NFTs in our socio-economic ecosystems are backed up by real, tangible value, as well.) which can go from a stay over at a venue, or some entrepreneurial teambuilding experience, all the way up to granting a seedhub/geodesic dome to a school that has been doing efforts to forward our game/biodiversity.
For those that benefit from in a monetary way, there will be some kind of subscriptions based model towards companies, partners, or people who truly can afford this.
Point is the fees connected to these benefits, also should translate themselves in ever growing rewarding mechanisms.
REWARD BIODIVERSITY. It is the key to our model, as well as our survival…
Rewarding learning about biodiversity is one of the main elements in our socio-economic ecosystem. If it were up to us, this should be on the frontpage of every newspaper globally.
Every art gallery should be buzzing about this. Every museum. Every artist.
The basics of our DeFi (Decentralized Finance) should be oriented towards that singular goal: ReFi (Regenerative Finance.)
All of our endeavours should generate a sense of urgency, that we need to create Seedhubs and Tree Nurseries coming 1-3 years, be planting seeds and nursing trees, of different types:
Slow- and Fast-growing
Fruit-, plant- and Tree-guilds should guide us in our inner city organisation. Very important as half of us or more live in cities…
This is good for the bees and other pollinators as well. Obviously.
To grow plants we need water. So we must set up cooperation with companies and organisations specialised in water provision.
Watershrooms, Warkatowers, Deslination Skylights and so many others come to mind. Israel & Saudi Arabia have some very qualified companies as well. They are top of the world in desalination. A fact one simply cannot neglect.
To be able to desalinate water, for instance, one needs energy. So, we have to take into account energy generation, if we wish to work at a global scale.
We have some interesting ideas around wind which could accelerate the process.
The way we build all this, is to directly translate it into a game. At first a simpler card game, especially in case we work together with schools, but as time progresses we evolve into more complex gaming structures.
These physical cards can have QR-codes, and therefore can also represent real value(s).
For their digital counterpart, we can do the same. Though we may not really need QR-codes as the digital ones are more readily programmable & directly certified by a blockchain ;-)
The gaming structure helps us towards learning and educational processes.
It allows for smart and efficient building, communications and interactions. Easy swapping mechanisms can be installed, online in-game markets, presence on multiple online markets, in Augmented and Virtual Reality (so we are future-proof!) in mixed reality (MR…) The combinations are endless.
In our game, whatever name we give our tree wallet, or parts of our game (as crypto tech is similar to organic chemistry & molecules & allows for multi-level gameplay, layers within layers, games within games, openly connecting to other platforms… you know Web 3.0?) point will always be to reward the learning process, allow mistakes as long as players are trying to learn, but to ward off & discourage those that are not trying, or those that are laughing at others for trying. WE SHOULD @ALL TIMES REWARD INNOVATION.
In practical terms of creating a game, simplest of all insights is this gameplay where you can see tiles like a hive connecting:
Of course we realise this is super-primitive. But we need you to start seeing the different ways this game will work. We will show how it works in physical form, as well as in digital form, and why hexagons really work like a charm in connecting 2D with 3D...