This blog post, as well as all other inital posts, have been revised September 2024.
gathering 100 wise (wo)man
gathering first 100 artists
gathering first 100 galleries
gathering first 100 museums
gathering first 100 partnerships
going to 10.000 artists (equally divided over our planet)
crowdfunding first set(s) of cards (physical & digital)
start a multitude of seedhubs on each continent (before end 2025)
organise first Snifties Awards, get first DONATIONS, prizes & Foundations in (within the framework of our Fesitval of Sustainable Dreams)
Of course this list is only a pro-visionary list of the work ahead of us. Timelines must be set out & numbers crunched. We will get it done one step at a time. We will be presenting people like artists, curators, biologists, tree specialists & many more in this blog and in our spacecast (being a combination of livestreams and podcasts.) However, we will have to go about it a bit differently than most other crypto-driven projects; As there are certain specific values we should observe in order to obtain successful results. One is, for instance, the need for an equal geographical representation. Welcoming artists onboard who only live in London, Berlin and New York doesn’t make sense. Just like only planting trees in New Delhi or Vancouver would also be limiting, within the scope of our vision. Another important value would be the need for swift deployment of tree and plant nurseries, being an absolute top-priority.
Of course, a company & a foundation need a team, with clear division of responsibilities. As we are building this (team/project) from the ground up, we need to focus on the first 100 people who come and join us. Are they nice and kind people? Do they work well together? In one go, we are looking for people who can give us the right kind of consultation on diverse issues as online marketing, knowledge about trees or IT, just to quickly name a few. And we wish to grow organically. It may sound much to ask for, but we need wise people to kickstart this project. If we really want a wonderful decentralized application, we have to go about this swift, but gently, all the while being nimble and agile.
2024 NOTE: As is now one of the first pilot projects within the ecosystem, we will start building our core team, tokenomics, legal structure and so forth once initial funds are allocated from the sales of’s first membership series, which has been named “Treespaces Series”. The consequence of allowing 10.000 NFT-holders to become lifetime member of, besides being member of the community, is that we’ll be able to deploy more relatively fast now.
The point is to set a first realistic target. To ask for 10.000 artists is a next clear and obvious goal, but only a valid one as our organisation grows throughout 2025. 100 artists enable us to make the first 100 physical cards for our game/application, as well as their digital counterpart/nfts. Then we to generate those NFTs and physical cards in a sustainable way. This requires having a keen eye for materials, travelling, the consequence of sending out those physical cards (or sets of cards) to sponsors, as well as looking where we can to compensate unclean energy and/or offset our carbon footprint. This implies setting up rules of engagement; How does our hybrid company/Foundation deal with ESG (Environmental Social Governance) and in specific sustainability, from day 1? Our 100 wise (wo)men, as well as our whole community, will help us to stay on the right path & avoid us going astray. Moreover, the feedback we get from the first 100 artists involved, as well as feedback from IT- & gaming specialists, will help us generate a clearly defined roadmap.
A logical next step, which can be deployed simultaneously, is gathering about 15-20 galleries per continent or larger geographic region. (North, Central and South America, Europe, Middle East Asia, Africa, Australia, Oceania & Antarctica?) Political circumstances may dictate the need to be careful & smart in order to steer away from fear mongering. As individuals we must be as bold as possible to generate a network which transcends our differences, on the one hand. On the other hand, we must be realistic in our aims, respect and be understanding towards local, as well as supranational situations & institutions. We just should try to appeal to our whole globe and try to involve people from all nations. This will help our endeavour to deploy tree nurseries on each continent before the end of 2025. Even if we do not reach or fulfil these goals fully ourselves, the point of this exercise (at a fair minimum) is alert people for the need for seedhubs. Therefor we must make some noise. That noise will run through the first 100 galleries involved. The noise is way more important than the notion of competition. Web 2.0 put emphasis on the individual as a genius. With the coming of Web 3.0 it is us together that are the genius. It is the workings of a hive-mind. Generation Alpha is born to collaborate. And all of us must join them to help green our planet ASAP. No excuse. No escape. No more blabla. It is time for collaborative action. And who knows how fast we will accelerate from 100 galleries into the thousands?
In terms of museums, Tate Modern is number one on our ‘hitlist’… M HKA Antwerp is number 2. Then CAAM Las Palmas is number 3. The whole idea is to make strategic use of the concept of Fake Expositions. This concept was designed by the artist/monad (cfr. Leibniz) named Goodchi, short artist name for Erwin Vanmassenhove. If we have to go through the treadmill of current bureaucratic processes surrounding cultural institutions, we might only be heard by end 2025 or later? It surely is a different story, if we are able to transcend the ‘us and them’ & bend it into a sensual, attractive storyline that has an unambiguous emphasis on co-operation. Agitation for no good reason will surely miss the point, as with most current climate action: what is the use of disgracing classical art works or venues?
We would prefer to collaborate and cooperate in order to accelerate regenerative action. As the climate emergency leaves us with a sense of urgency, we must find simple, efficient, effective and impressive ways to circumvent the idiosyncratic and/or sectorial fences. It will never be our purpose to deliberately cause damage, quite the opposite! Cooperation is our key… Read our blogpost on seedhubs to understand why we must bring about change swiftly and thoroughly. Our guess is: the urge for cooperation will emerge promptly and overall museums will be honoured to work with us. No museum was ever harmed by cheerful collaboration. Quite the contrary. We wish to cheer on culture, play together with artists, curators and institutions alike. And before you know, we are all on the bandwagon, in for a pretty (s)nifty ride…
This part takes a lot of calling, writing and networking. It takes time and people to contact & trace the responsible ones _those who can make the decisions. And it can’t be done so ‘frivolously’ as having a ‘fake’ expo at Tate Modern. This is less about making noise to get (things and people) going, and so much more about an intimate, personalised approach, in order to truly resonate and generate lasting partnerships. Of course, we wish the same partnerships with museums, but first contact simply is made differently with a bank or an IT-company, or for instance a permaculture organisation. Look at our Wishlist. Apply for it. Suggest interesting organisations who could join in. To get these partnerships rolling we need a smart crew calling around and networking. We have to do this genuinely kind, subtly and refined. A process of rewarding those who hop onboard, naturally seems a fair shake. Especially if we reward those first ‘in.’ These early birds should catch big fish. And let’s especially be mindful of keeping our eyes on innovation, and on clearly rewarding innovation. We must push the boundaries of what we are able to do, if we still want to keep global warming under 1,5 degrees.
One of the principal reasons we need a council of 100 wise (wo)men, is to be able to scale our network efficiently. If we want to push the enveloppe of what is possible, we must cast away any hesitation to the dustbin of history. The only way we are going to motivate a billion people, to plant a few trillion trees, is getting enough artists involved. Artists are the creatives, visionaries and the emotional catalysts of their respective communities. A purely commercial enterprise stands nowhere, if it hasn’t got some creatives helping them generating an awesome marketing campaign. There is a clear interdependency. And we see this promise sealed in how Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs) are taking the world by storm. They are the ultimate communicator between different spiritual types. NFTs bind artists, bankers, entrepreneurs, coders, athletes, musicians and so many people from different walks of life. If we want to inspire our children to plant trillions of trees, then using this tech is the natural path to success: it is like opening the floodgates; 10.000 artists should do the trick to involve & especially inspire an initial million people… We are also looking at all kinds of Ambassadors: beyond performing artists and musicians, we could activate sports ambassadors tototally energise: the whole planet. To be continued.
Dream BIG. Start small. Beyond having you smile, after former paragraphs, which do have an idealistic ring (we know,) we wish to truly get you/us going. As we are starting this campaign from the ground up, with relatively limited funds, we have to find the means to transform this dream into reality. If we manage a first set of hundred cards, it makes for something we can crowdfund and physically print. We can send sets of cards to sponsors in exchange for financial support. We could film the whole startup and creative process: our journey. Imagine this in terms of also starting up pilot projects in different places and venues all over our globe. We can crowdfund the filming. We can crowdfund the digital counterparts of these cards. We can offer the artists recurring revenue on the re-selling of these cards. We can give the cards certain values. Not only can these cards hold the value of staying over at a Treespace venuesimilar to staying at an airbnb, or like a temporary co-working or teambuilding venue, these cards could (fractionally) represent the ground upon where these fruit bearing trees are planted. They can represent a part of a reward for a school or another local community that plants and takes care of these trees. For instance, they could get a geodesic dome for free, which could be used to generate more plants and trees, and for instance serve during biology classes. The options & possibilities are sheer infinite, as endless as our human imagination.
Whence talking to the director of Foresta, on the Canary Islands, it became obvious to us the biggest problem wasn’t as such planting the trees, but having the trees ready and nursed in time for planting. So the whole idea of seedhubs is like a ‘conditio sine qua non’ (an indispensable ingredient), hence this site & why we are putting so much emphasis on this. Not to be belligerent spoilt brats, but out of pure necessity & tribal survivalist tendencies. If we want humanity to survive, we simply need to do this WITHOUT HESITATION. Read our article on seedhubs here.
We would love to organise the first Snifties Awards in Canada, but are just as keen on Berlin, Zug, Palma, Malta, Dubai, Buenos Aires, London, Palo Alto, Capetown, Te Ika-a-Māui, Reykjavík, Beijing or Bangalore. We could do these anywhere as long as we get proper support to get The Snifty Awards organised. Snifties stand for Sustainability awards for Sustainable NFTs & technologies yonder, as well as communities or companies helping to sustain, if not forward biodiversity. We probably will just shift from continent every year, to pass the light on similar to the Olympic Games. If you wish to sponsor us, contact us here: we will always give you give you some sort of appreciation for your effort & kindness.
Artwork by PLUK
Though first NFTs will come online sooner than later, we are still in the progress/process:
…of putting together our broader gaming structure, which is and will also be influenced by artists joining our effort.
The reason we do not wish to fix the rules (like set in stone) from day one are: our keen eye for organic growth, voting power mechanisms, feedback loops, generating a layered game suitable for many ages, proficiencies and cultures, different styles and disciplines of art & artists incoming, structures & lay-out of ReFi (Regenerative Finance) to be built in the game(s) & more.
We simply wish to interact with you to get our application/game built, as we have to see where we should put stronger emphasis on, for instance in terms of learning (P2L) and earning (P2E.) And especially in terms of being a (d)application which has to be at service of humanity & thus must work functional, comfortable and relatively easy. As smooth as possible (UX.)
Here’s how we pitched ourselves with museums and artists during 2022-2023:

Here’s your author & founder of Magictribe Media Ltd. at Saatchi’s London in 2023 to deliver above strawman’s proposal…